All in who we are

Patrick Blacker Testimonial 2

The Melody Go-Round is simply a brilliant concept, executed to perfection by the Found Design Team at Harris Farm Markets in Mosman - the ease of spinning the wheel and hearing a carnival-esque wind up melody is magical and it’s so good that the bagels are delicious too!

Patrick Blacker - Founder

Blacker Media

Baruch Kluwgant Testimonial 1

Found Design Made is truly the leader in their field. Crafting the most incredible moving displays. We are so proud to have our bagels “dancing” around on their beautiful melodic display that not only spins the bagels when turning the leaver, but plays a sweet melody. It is simply amazing!

Baruch Kluwgant - Owner

The Bagel Co.

Patrick Blacker Testimonial 1

Found Design Made’s ‘Breadfall’ at Harris Farm Markets Mosman transforms the ordinary task of purchasing bread into a truly extraordinary, whimsical experience that will put a smile on the faces of all. Seeing and utilising the Breadfall is definitely something I look forward to whilst doing one of my least favourite tasks... shopping!

Patrick Blacker - Founder

Blacker Media

Michael Allen Testimonial 2

The Breadfall showcases the journey of fresh bread directly from the bakery’s oven to the customer’s basket. The transparency of the process is embraced by the customers. From the bakery, customers watch in awe as the fresh loaves of bread disappear through the floor and are transported to the lower level. It is ingenuity at its finest!

Michael Allen - Mosman Store Manager

Harris Farm Markets

Michael Allen Testimonial 1

George & Calista of Found Design Made have showed exceptional commitment to the making of the Mosman Breadfall. Their knowledge of construction and meticulous eye for detail has produced a unique shopping experience for our customers. It is true show-stopper and talking point within the Mosman community.

Michael Allen - Mosman Store Manager

Harris Farm Markets

Luke Harris Testimonial 1

I absolutely loved working with Found Design Made. They delivered an ambitious idea called “The BreadFall” and executed it in a number of our stores, most notably our flagship store in Darby St Newcastle. I can’t wait to work with them again.

Luke Harris - Co-CEO

Harris Farm Markets